Lower Extremity Arterial Duplex Ultrasound

What is The Test?

This exam uses high frequency sound waves to produce images of the arteries that carry blood to the legs and feet. This exam checks the blood flow through these arteries checks for any blockages and determines the severity of the blockages. This exam may be ordered to check one leg or both.

Patient Preparation

There is no preparation for this exam.

What to Expect

Once in the room, you will remove your pants, shoes and socks and change into a gown. Once changed, you lie down on the exam table. The technologist will apply warm to your leg. The technologist will use a transducer to send the ultrasound waves into your body. The ultrasound waves will produce a picture of your arteries on the ultrasound machine that will allow the technologist to assess your arteries for blockage and check the blood flow through the arteries. The technologist will take several pictures from several different areas of your leg. During the exam and you may hear noises that sound like your heart beat as your blood flow is being assessed. You will feel nothing during the exam except for slight pressure as the probe is placed against your skin. The exam will take 30-45 minutes for one leg and up to 90 minutes for both. After the exam is completed, our vascular specialist will review the information and the final results will be discussed with you at your follow up appointment.

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